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We kickstart businesses
for people in poverty

Donations fund non-profit loans, support and mentoring to help the world’s poorest people start a business.
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Upcoming Event
A night on the Jackson!
You’re invited to cruise Sydney Harbour,learn about Microlend, and participate in our fund raising activities.
26 July 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Donations received
Our funds come from personal donations, corporate sponsors and loan repayments.
Loans provided
Our loans are interest free and the borrowers only pay a small administration fee.
Businesses supported
Our borrowers are trained and mentored for the best chance of success.
Repayments received
100% of loan repayments are used to create new loans for more small businesses.

How we work

Our founder 

is a retired investment advisor who was motivated by his Christian values and financial skills to help the world’s poorest families.



Microlend's mission is to alleviate poverty and suffering by providing interest free loans to the world's poorest people, enabling them to start small businesses that support their family and benefit their community.
By using the loan repayments for new loans, Microlend aims to create a cycle of economic empowerment that transforms the lives of people in poverty across the developing world.

Why Mirolend?

100% of donations become loans

All of your donation is used to kickstart small businesses.

Lasting freedom from poverty

The income from a small business replaces ongoing charity.

Donate once, help people forever

Your donation is used over and over to create new businesses.

Why Mirolend?

100% of donations become loans

They don't require donations anymore, it's self perpetuating.

We stop the poverty cycle

They don't require donations anymore, it's self perpetuating.

Donate once, help people forever.

Your donation is used and reused to help start more businesses.

Why Mirolend?

Donate once, help people forever.

Your donation is used and reused to help start more businesses.