How we work
Microlend Australia Ltd has a process towards combating world poverty that we believe makes us unique. We invite you to participate in this process, provide feedback or promote us to your friends if you like what we do. Since our funding to the poor is in the form of a loan, one unique feature is that 100% of your donation is sent to an overseas project, and is reused to help more and more people each time the loan is repaid. See below:

Watch more to know how we work
More detail about how Microlend works and why it is such an effective way to help. All costs are absorbed by volunteers so 100% of donations go to creating businesses.
100% of donations
go to funding
100% of your donations go towards funding the loans for the poor. All administration and fund raising costs are absorbed by the volunteers and founders of Microlend Australia
Totally run
by volunteers
Currently Microlend Australia is totally run by volunteers and pro-bono contributions. That is, there are no salaries paid which therefore means that administration costs are kept to a minimum.
Self sustaining
Every business created is designed to be self sustaining. Even the overseas Microfinance centres themselves, although not for profit, are designed to become financially independent.
Easily duplicate
our efforts
Microlend Australia has created a number of branches within Australia. This means we can easily duplicate our efforts to raise funds for our overseas microfinance centres.
Good degree
of control
Microlend Australia can see every loan that has ever been issued, as well as what stage the repayments are at.
We do this by issuing each overseas site with cloud-based accounting software tools.
Mentoring &
Microlend Australia provides simple, yet effective training and ongoing mentoring/support for each new borrower.
Unique features
Microlend's unique approach sets us apart from other charities in several important ways.